2014년 10월 12일 일요일

CoreOS using Vagrant + VirtualBox

CoreOS Using Vagrant

This repo provides a Vagrantfile to create a CoreOS virtual machine using the VirtualBox hypervisor. When CoreOS setting complete, you'll have a single CoreOS virtual machine running on your local machine.

Streamlined setup

  • Install Hypervisor & Vagrant
    • [VirtualBox][virtualbox] 4.3.14 or greater.
    • [Vagrant][vagrant] 1.6.5 or greater.

Clone my CoreOS Vagrant repo

$ git clone https://github.com/hephaex/coreos.git
$ cd coreos

Edit your own virtual machine enviroment.

  • open & edit Vagrantfile
# vi Vagrantfile

VM setting

  • Number of VM instances
$num_instances = 1
  • CoreOS Channel setting
    • there are three kinds of distribute channel. "Stable","Alpha",and "Beta".
* $update_channel = "stable"
  • VM memory setting
$vb_memory = 2048
  • VM cpus
$vb_cpus = 2
  • Shared Folder setup
config.vm.network "private_network", ip: ""
config.vm.synced_folder ".", "/home/{your folder}/share", id: "core", :nfs => true,  :mount_options   => ['nolock,vers=3,udp']

Initialization virtual machine on local machine.

  • start VM
vagrant up
  • Doing "vagrant up" you'll face on password request for shared folder access"
  • connect CoreOS VM
vagrant ssh

Docker Forwarding

To use the docker on your VM, you'll export Docker_HOST setting.
core@core-01 ~ $ export DOCKER_HOST=tcp://localhost:2375

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