2013년 5월 22일 수요일

Gentoo on the BeagleBone Black

0.  Requirements
To be able to install Gentoo, we need the following:
  • An x86/amd64 based PC with Gentoo and SD card reader on it
  • A BeagleBone Black
  • One microSD card (2 GB is enough)
  • A network connection
  • A CrossCompiler (CodeSourcery)
1. emerge 
  • dev-vcs/git - to download U-Boot, X-Loader and the kernel
  • sys-devel/crossdev - to create a crosscompiler
  • dev-embedded/u-boot-tools - to create a kernel image U-Boot can understand
  • sys-fs/dosfstools - to create FAT32 filesystems
2.  Obtaining U-Boot
$ wget ftp://ftp.denx.de/pub/u-boot/u-boot-2013.10.tar.bz2
$ tar xvjpf  u-boot-2013.10.tar.bz2

3. Obtaining patches and applying them

wget https://raw.github.com/eewiki/u-boot-patches/master/v2013.10/0001-am335x_evm-uEnv.txt-bootz-n-fixes.patch
$ patch -p1 < 0001-am335x_evm-uEnv.txt-bootz-n-fixes.patch

4. Compile U-Boot
$ make ARCH=arm CROSS_COMPILE=arm-none-linux-gnueabi- am335x_evm_config
$ make ARCH=arm CROSS_COMPILE=arm-none-linux-gnueabi-